
it/its/who cares
age: ???

a shapeshifting monster with the ability to possess and physically manipulate human bodies.plays games with its "kiddos," or victims, by pretending to be a fake person in their lives and progressively introducing them to more and more stressful situations.it's current favorite disguise is a serial-killing human with a moon-shaped scar on his hand, shown left and nicknamed "hunter" by harlow.bubbly and charming, excitable and quite the jokester. really likes bright erratic forms and often speaks in multiple voices at once. loves drama and hates curse words. sadistic, enjoys violence.feels everything on a bored to excited scale, rather than the normal range of emotion. its favorite person is harlow, who it actually somehow feels some genuine love for.



a potter and art teacher's aide. close friend of lilith's who helped her realize, understand, and take steps towards her identity.unlike many of the characters in this story, tiva has already built and been part of a strong foundation and community to support them, leaving them far less susceptible to orchestra's influence.known for being the group's bad driver friend, strategist for defense and best at distracting orchestra.absolutely stubborn fighter for everyone's right to be an angry freak. protective and loud, snarky and brave.



a local cashier, cheerleader, and student council kid. frequently too caught up in who she should be to actually live as or recognize who she is. would be susceptible to orchestra's game if not for timing.was involved in an accident that killed her younger cousin, samirah, when they were both small. still struggling with the guilt.known for stabbing orchestra, bringing backup, covering the kiddos' trail and falling in love with lilith.can be a little naive and clumsy, but is so determined, encouraging, and well-intentioned that it's impossible to judge her for it.